3 Quotes & Sayings By Zainab Omaki

Zainab is a Muslim Human Rights Activist who is currently pursuing an MBA at the University of Queensland. She is passionate about human rights, faith, culture, and education. Zainab is the author of the book ‘’Islamophobia in Australia: A state of crisis’’. Zainab has been involved in campaigns including the 'No to One' campaign, the 'Defeat Islamophobia' campaign, and 'Holding Hands with You' Read more

The chaos of their voices registers as a single, overwhelming...
The chaos of their voices registers as a single, overwhelming force cutting off her ability to reason, and all she wants is to get as far away from people as possible. Zainab Omaki
The feeling, all encompassing, safe and warm like a blanket permanently draped over her shoulders, follows her around. She takes it into the shower, to meals with her mother and sister, to work as she reads out the news script, her voice never faltering. Zainab Omaki